UC Systemwide Procurement announces five new systemwide agreements for branded promotional products as part of our lead agency marketing partnership with OMNIA Partners. Promotional items include products such as coffee cups, binders, clothing, hats and other branded components. See contract details below...
Five contracted UC promotional product suppliers:
Manhattan Stitching | #2024.004231 | Abby Strid | Manhattan Stitching |
Gorilla Marketing | #2024.004232 | Karlyne Eygendaal | Gorilla Marketing |
I.D. Me | #2024.004235 | Heidi Levitt | I.D. Me |
Consolidus | #2024.004236 | Justin Waynick | Consolidus |
Club Colors Buyer | #2024.004237 | Linsey Purcell | Club Colors |
While these agreements are open to all UC sites and external public agencies through OMNIA Partners, most UC locations and/or departments have rigorous branding and licensing agreements in place with specific suppliers. Please confirm your site's applicability to these agreements and consult with your respective Branding and Trademarks & Licensing representatives.
Promotional Products & Services Program Overview Webinar
Branded Promotional Products Webinar Presentation
Benefits to UC
Promotional items that meet UC's objectives for high-quality, cost-effective products with ethical labor standards, quick turnaround times, excellent customer service, e-commerce capabilities, and the flexibility to incorporate new technologies, while allowing external agencies to benefit from these services nationwide.
Systemwide discounts for products and capabilities that are familiar to existing UC stakeholder groups. These awards focus on providing ethically sound sourcing while also promoting sustainable products with the least amount of environmental impact.
Terms & Conditions aligned with UC’s needs and compliant with policy and laws
RFP Team & Contributing Stakeholders
These contracts resulted from the knowledge and contributions of: Cathy Gooderham - RFP lead, Patty Solomon (UCLA) | Dan Perkins (UCB) | Richard Ronquillo (UCD) | Richard Currier (UCI) | Henry Gutierrez (UCR) | Alma Mendoza (UCSD) | Jennifer Barnes (UCSD Health) | Jen Bowser (UCSB) | Hilary Steinman, Terese Merrell (UCOP).
Sean Parker | Sr. Director, Strategic Enhancement Team | UC Systemwide Procurement