Impact, Policy & Compliance Resources
The University of California is committed to making a positive impact in our communities and the world. This means doing procurement in a sustainable and economically and socially responsible way. By aligning procurement practices with ethical and social responsibility, we are in a better position to fulfill UC's mission and contribute to a positive and sustainable global impact. The University of California has a goal of awarding 25% Economically and Socially Responsible (EaSR) spend annually to diverse, sustainable and small business suppliers.
Supplier Code of Conduct - University of California
This Supplier Code of Conduct reflects UC's ongoing efforts to enhance access and inclusion, as well as to foster a community that supports lifelong learning and growth for all its members. UC expects every member of the UC community, including all our Suppliers, to join us in our shared pursuit of these principles.
Meet the Impact, Policy & Compliance Team
Abim Odusoga
Director - Impact, Policy & Compliance
Frederick Roots
Associate Director, Policy & Compliance
Cynthia Yeh
Project Manager
Amber St. John
Supplier Diversity Consultant
Joan Kerr
Supplier Diversity Consultant