Earth Month "Flyover" Webinar Series

June 1, 2024
Earth Month Flyover Series - UC Central Travel

During the month of April 2024, the University of California (UC) Central Travel Office hosted the Earth Month “Lunch Flyover” webinar series with 17 succinct 20-minute sessions from various travel suppliers and UC partners. Over 800 participants from across the UC system joined these sessions to explore sustainable travel and other green efforts at UC. Now you can enjoy the Earth Month Flyover recording series on your own time, with each session packed full of sustainability gold.

Check out the Marriott session (April 23) in which participants contributed suggestions toward a tree planting initiative, resulting in an official certificate commemorating 25 trees planted by the Arbor Day Foundation on behalf of UC. A fascinating session by travel consulting firm, Advito (April 25), debunked common sustainability myths and unraveled the complexities around sustainability buzz words like SAF (sustainable aviation fuel). 

The airlines articulated how they hope SAF will help them reach net-zero in the next 10 years, and Hertz, Enterprise and Uber detailed the electrification of their car fleets. Our UC partners shared organizational goals and mandates, including the UC Energy & Sustainability group (April 11) showcasing UC’s commitment to eliminate fossil fuels by 2045. UC Systemwide Procurement (April 29) outlined the California State Agency Buy Recycled Campaign (SABRC) initiative that mandates purchasing products with recycled content across a variety of categories.

For more, visit the ConnexUC Travel portal Sustainability webpage, and look for the Lunch Flyover webinar recordings in the ConnexUC Travel portal video library (login required for Travel portal).

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