UC Systemwide Procurement announces a new systemwide agreement with Environmental Logistics. This contract provides hazardous and other waste-related disposal services for all UC campuses, medical centers, labs, and other UC locations systemwide.
This systemwide contract provides UC Campuses and UC Health locations the option to service hazardous and medical waste streams and other value-add services. Leveraging this agreement enables campuses to dispose of waste with a supplier able to handle all location waste and provide onsite support services as needed.
Environmental Logistics website
Contact: Marcial Barragan | O: (510) 670-9901 or M: (510) 209-5996 | General Manager
Watch the Hazardous Waste Webinar
Benefits to UC
8% Estimated annual savings to UC campuses and UC Health medical center
Environmental Logistics includes other value-adds to other services and is complimentary to the Clean Harbors agreement
Additional volume pricing is available depending on the scope of work
- Terms & Conditions aligned with UC’s needs and compliant with policy and laws
RFP Team & Contributing Stakeholders

Reynaldo Cano-Boza | Sr. Category Manager | Facilities, Maintenance & Capital Programs | UC Systemwide Procurement