New Digital Home for UC Procurement

September 22, 2023
Coming soon - one site for policy, training, events, news, resources and more...

One-stop-shop for everything...

By the end of 2023, Systemwide Procurement will fully merge five websites and platforms for UC staff, suppliers and the general public into a one-stop-shop for all things UC Procurement.

  • For suppliers and the general pubic, this new website will serve as a guide on how to do business with UC and amplify the UC Procurement mission and overall impact.
  • For UC staff, logging into the new portal with a simple single sign-on (SSO) process will reveal a treasure trove of proprietary resources and content to help you do your work.

Which sites are being decommissioned?

We are consolidating and streamlining all the procurement content from,, Sharepoint, the Benefit Bank Knowledge Base, and the UC Partnership Program (UCPP) website. This will be a gradual transition.

We will ensure that campuses have plenty of time to become familiar with the new site and relink to necessary resources, so legacy sites will remain accessible to campuses well into 2024. Throughout 2024, we will work closely with each campus to smoothly transition links from the old sites to UC Procurement's new digital home. We will also institute automatic link redirects for all sites before gradually decommissioning them in stages.

Screenshot of 4 websites

A new digital home for UC Procurement

The new UC Procurement Portal is a public-facing web application designed to be a single source of truth for systemwide procurement policies, procedures, training, news, events, and more. It works seamlessly on desktops, tablets, and phones. And while it looks like a website and acts like one, it is more than it appears...

Screenshots of the portal in use

Single source of truth for staff and suppliers

At first glance, the UC Procurement Portal appears to be geared specifically toward suppliers, media, and the general public. We have hidden the vast majority of the content on the UC Procurement Portal from public view. Once a staff member completes the SSO login process, the bulk of the content becomes available. See below for an example of the content difference between a public viewer and a logged-in staff viewer:

Demonstration of private and public search results

Ground floor of a planned skyscraper

The launch of the UC Procurement Portal in December 2023 is only the metaphorical ground floor of our planned skyscraper. We are opening up the building while construction continues into additional development phases.

Systemwide Procurement is dedicating ongoing resources to ongoing development of the portal. Automated data integration, enhanced communication channels, and content submission workflows are all in the planning phases for our skyscraper’s second floor. Wait until you see what we have planned for the third floor!

Why the soft launch timeline?

Campus access to the full range of resources within the UC Procurement Portal is dependent on IT resources at each campus to integrate the single sign-on (SSO) process. We expect the SSO process for all campuses to be completed by mid to late January 2024.

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