New UC Terms & Conditions

June 28, 2024

The updated T&Cs have been released, effective July 1, 2024. The T&Cs have been updated to ensure that UC's policies are clear, relevant, and legally sound. This fosters trust and consistency in contracting and minimizes risk. UC has updated the Terms & Conditions for several key reasons:

  • To remain compliant with new laws and regulations
  • Address new purchasing models, conditions, products and services
  • Reflect changes in the technology landscape, including privacy and security
  • Clarify or simplify existing terms for greater understanding
  • Refine or add detail to terms that have caused issues or confusion.

Where Can I Find Them?

UC Terms & Conditions
Terms and Conditions for working with the UC

What was the Process?

This revision was a long-term process that involved gathering input from and consulting with several experts and stakeholders including the Procurement Policy and Legal Documents Team (PPLDT); the Procurement Leadership Council (PLC); UC Legal; the Cyber Risk team; the Chief Information Officer; Chief Health Data Officer; Ethics, Compliance and Audit Services, and more.

What's Changed?

This process resulted in a complete overhaul and re-ordering of many of the Articles contained in the T&Cs. Below is a T&Cs Article Numbering Map that outlines the changes made and where to find those topics in the new T&Cs:

Article NameOld Article No.New Article No.
Term and Termination2A-D1.1-1.5
Conflict of Terms, Appendix DS, BAA, GDPR2E1.6
Pricing, Invoicing Method, and Settlement Method & Terms32.1-2.2
Assigned Personnel; Character of Services518.2, 18.3
Warranties; Failure to Comply is Breach611
General Warranties6A11.1-11.3
Permits & Licenses6A11.2
Water and Air Pollution6C11.5
Web Accessibility Requirements6D11.6(b)
General Accessibility Requirements6E11.6
Warranty of Quiet Enjoyment6F4.1
Debarment, Suspension, US Government Party Lists6H11.8
US Trademark Licensing6I6
Covered Telecommunications Equipment6K11.10
Intellectual Property, Copyright, Patents, and Data Rights74
Indemnity and Liability89
Use of UC Name and Trademarks106
Federal Funds118
Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action1211.9
Premises Where Services are Provided1412
Liability for UC-Furnished Property155
Additional Terms Applicable to Furnishing of Goods1713
Conflict of Interest1811.12
Audit Requirements1914
Prohibition on Unauthorized Use/Disclosure of Institutional Information207
UC Whistleblower Policy2118.8
Sustainable Procurement Guidelines2215
Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) Employer Shared Responsibility2322
Prevailing Wages2423
Fair Wage/Fair Work2524
Medical Devices2616.7
Force Majeure2719
Assignment and Subcontracting2818.4


Please contact Frederick Roots | Associate Director of Policy & Compliance | Systemwide Procurement

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