Job Order Contracting (JOC)

A Job Order Contract (JOC) is a contract for a fixed term or maximum dollar value, whichever occurs first, in which a contractor is selected based on a competitive bid to perform various separate job orders in the future, during the life of the contract. UC Facilities Manual

Guidelines for Job Order Contracting

Contract Scopes:

  • Mechanical, Electrical, Telecoms, OSHPD, General Framing
  • Renovations, Upgrades, Emergency Services

FOS CannonDesign

CalUsource #2021002785

Jan 8, 2021 – Jan 7, 2026
(+5 option years)

Andrew Larson


Gordian Group

CalUsource #2021002786

Jan 8, 2021 – Jan 7, 2026
(+5 option years)

Zebediah Butscher


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