LED Lighting

High-quality LED lighting options — Million LED Challenge

The Million LED Challenge (MLC) program launched in 2018 as a collaborative effort led by UC Procurement, with the California State University (CSU) system, the California Community College (CCC) system, and the California Department of General Services (DGS). The goal was to encourage widespread adoption of high-quality LED light sources in California government buildings, public universities and college campuses.

Facility and construction managers can purchase high-quality LED light sources from the contracted suppliers shown below, including retrofit kits and luminaires as replacements for linear fluorescents (table 1), along with A-lamps, PAR-lamps and downlights (table 2). 

Contract documents available in CalUsource.

Linear LED Lamps, Retrofit Kits & Luminaires (table 1)
FirmPurchase Contact

All-Phase CED

(Linear LED Lamps)

CalUsource #2020.002766


(818) 524-7516

Purchase Portal

LED GREEN Light International

(Linear LED Lamps, Retrofit Kits, Luminaires)

CalUsource #2020.002767


(559) 550-1020

Purchase Portal

Rexel USA

(Linear LED Lamps)

CalUsource #2020.002768


(800) 777-0172

Purchase Portal

Screwbase Lights (table 2)
FirmPurchase Contact

All-Phase Electric Supply

(A-lamps, PAR-lamps, R-lamps, MR-16 lamps, downlights, retrofit kits)


(818) 524-7516

Purchase Portal

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