2024 Annual Report

UC Procurement
UC Procurement Surpassed Benefits Targets!
UC Procurement achieved our $296M FY24 Benefit target by May and went on to achieve $363.7M for the fiscal year, which equals 3.9% of addressable spend*. This means that we nearly achieved our Strategic Plan target of “4% of Addressable Spend by FY25” one year early. The other amazing achievement is that we surpassed this target with a level of accuracy in reporting that aligns with financial reporting principles, using updated target-setting, project management, and results-tracking capabilities that will enable us to continue to deliver in even more efficient ways going forward. Every team within UC Procurement contributed to this increase in both capability and results.
*Addressable spend excludes spend that is either not sourceable or not managed by UC Procurement.
UC Procurement
Economic Impact Across California
UC’s educational, research and health care activities drive California’s standing as one of the world’s largest, most dynamic economies. Part of that dynamism stems from California’s diverse business landscape. Supplier diversity drives innovation, fosters new ideas, and bolsters the bottom line. It creates opportunity, promotes equity, and mitigates supply chain risks. By aiming to dedicate 25% of our addressable spend to partner with diverse and small suppliers, we build a more inclusive, resilient, and thriving supply chain for the University of California and our local communities.