UC Procurement News

IT Consulting image
Agreements - PS
February 28, 2024

IT Consulting UC-Wide Agreements

SWP launches 12 new systemwide strategic agreements with top-tier IT Consulting firms.

Latest News

Total results: 15
Sprout growing up through coins
September 30, 2020

Realignment Opportunities

Often, a forceful catalyst causes organizations to review entrenched processes and reconsider ways of operating. The pandemic has proven to be an opportunity for UC operations to align more closely with already identified UC Procurement goals.
CalUsource dashboard graphic
September 30, 2020

CalUsource Source-to-Contract Dashboard

The CalUsource and Strategic Sourcing teams partnered to create a source-to-contract dashboard that displays a graphical representation of each Category team's sourcing events and contracts in CalUsource.
ePro content management graphic
September 30, 2020

Optimizing ePro Content

As part of continuous improvement, the Systemwide eProcurement (ePro) team has embarked on a content management project with the goal of creating a cohesive content management strategy systemwide.
UCSD doctors and nurses resuscitating a patient
July 16, 2020

Mobilizing for COVID-19 and beyond...

With COVID-19, UC Procurement’s role in strategic sourcing has become increasingly vital and visible, making what's happening behind the scenes of the frontline vital to combatting the pandemic.
Agreement - Travel
March 01, 2019

Airbnb for UC

Time to get onboard with the ‘Airbnb for UC’ program
UPS logo

Potential UPS Strike August 1

UPS workers' contract expires on August 1, 2023. Negotiations are ongoing but if unfruitful, UPS workers are likely to strike as of August 1.

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